Legal notice

MILA Mitmach-Supermarkt e.G.

Company number: 598727g
Vivenotgasse 29
1120 Vienna

Managing directors
Beatrice Stude and David Jelinek.

Board of the co-operative
Helmut Adam (Chairman), Elisabeth Jost, Joachim Pranzl, Ralph Grossmann, Margherita Hameter.

Co-operative account
IBAN: AT77 2011 1847 9665 4400
Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG

Authority according to ECG: Municipal district office for the 16th district
Chamber affiliation: Vienna Chamber of Commerce
Trade name: Retail trade

MILA Association

ZVR number: 1426248651
Association for the strengthening of social solidarity through the promotion of an ecologically sustainable and socially just way of life.
Krichbaumgasse 25
1120 Vienna

Board of the association
Alexander Arndt, Anna Hagenauer, Elisabeth Burgstaller, Maria Günüc and Brigitte Reisenberger.

Club account
Erste Bank
IBAN: AT522011184359800800

Branch association
MILA Mitmach Minimarkt (from MILA Association)
ZVR 1577484747
runs the Mitmach Minimarkt and is a non-profit organisation.

Contact us

General enquiries:
Everything to do with membership: and by telephone 0670 202 63 68
Media enquiries: and by telephone 0699 18 33 00 33

Legal information

Liability for content
We are responsible for the content of this website. However, information provided by third parties, such as comments, remains their responsibility. As soon as we become aware of an infringement, we will remove it immediately.

Liability for links
Our website contains links to external third-party websites over whose content we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot accept any liability or responsibility for this third-party content. However, we check linked content to the best of our ability at the time of linking. If we become aware of an infringement, we will remove the relevant links immediately.

Unless otherwise stated, for example in the case of photos or individual blog posts, we are the authors of the content on this website. The content is subject to Austrian copyright law. If you feel that your copyright has been infringed by our website, please let us know so that we can investigate the matter.

Web analysis
This website uses statistics to analyse visitor behaviour. Cookies are set for this purpose. IP addresses are anonymised before the data is saved. No external processing takes place. We use this data to optimise this website and our communication.