Frequently asked questions
Where is MILA?
When looking for a location, it was particularly important to us that MILA be in a Vienna location easily accessible by public transport. We wanted a densely built-up neighbourhood with a mixed population. We put down roots at Vivenotgasse 29 in 1120 Vienna. You will find us in the immediate vicinity of the U6 Niederhofstrasse underground station.
When does the big MILA cooperative supermarket open?
As soon as possible! We are planning to open the large participatory supermarket in spring 2025. As a foretaste, the minimarket is already open starting 13.9.2024.
What can I buy at MILA?
Our large supermarket will offer a full range of several thousand items in a sales area of around 350 m2. At MILA, the “one-stop shop” principle applies: one shop stocks all groceries and everyday items. One stop at one location is enough to tick off the shopping list.
Is everything organic and regional at MILA?
At MILA, many products will be regional and organic, but not all: as a number of products are not available regionally or organically, or only at prices that could exclude some members of the cooperative.
Where does MILA shop?
MILA will buy from many small producers and production cooperatives, but also from wholesalers. A good partnership with the producers is particularly important to us: fair, on an equal footing, without price pressure.
How much do MILA products cost?
There will be a standardised and transparent surcharge on the purchase price in order to maintain MILA’s infrastructure. In the mini market, we currently have a raw mark-up of 30 per cent. Because MILA is not about profit and we save on labour costs by all members working together, the mark-up on many products will probably be lower than that of commercial supermarkets. We try to offer the products to our members at favourable prices and still pay fair prices to the producers.
What does MILA do with food waste?
MILA will produce less waste than conventional supermarkets thanks to more cold stores and a more sustainable purchasing strategy. Goods that will soon reach their best-before date will be marked with a yellow dot on the shelf.
Is there a lot of packaging at MILA?
We avoid packaging, favour reusable packaging and recycle. We are not completely plastic-free, but wherever possible we offer packaging-free variants and loose goods for self-filling.
What does MILA do with profits?
There will be no profit distributions to members. In the start-up phase, the focus will probably be on repayments of the start-up financing. In principle, the members will decide at the General Assembly what happens to any future profits: e.g. reserves for potential times of crisis, reducing the mark-up on products, making further investments in our supermarket.
How are decisions made at MILA?
The highest body of the cooperative is the general assembly of all members. It makes the most important strategic and financial decisions. It elects the Executive Board, which acts as the owners’ representative for the members, and appoints the management team. Every member has one vote at the General Assembly – regardless of how many cooperative shares they have subscribed to.
Does MILA also have employees?
Yes, there is a core of people who are employed by MILA, e.g. in management, purchasing logistics, and the members’ office. More information about the team.
Cooperative membership
How do I become a member and which memberships are available?
You become a member of the cooperative by subscribing to one or more cooperative shares and accepting the rights and obligations of membership. We use the co-operative shares to build up important equity capital for our supermarket. Only as an active member will you have the opportunity to shop after the opening of the large supermarket. As an investing member, you support us financially but cannot shop. You can switch between investing/active membership at any time.
How much does membership cost?
The cooperative share at MILA is socially graduated: The standard share is 180 euros, the social share is 20 euros. We recommend all those with greater financial means to subscribe to more shares. Many people are willing to do so and this is extremely important for our own funds. The co-operative share is a one-off payment and is refunded when you leave. Regardless of how many shares you subscribe to, you only have one vote when votes are taken.
Who can claim the social share?
We are aware that not everyone can afford the standard rate. For those on a low income, for example, the social contribution of 20 euros offers the opportunity to join in. The decision is based on a self-assessment: each member assesses for themselves whether they need a social rate in order to be able to afford a membership at MILA (e.g. if they have a low income). The reasons for and definition of “low income” or “low-income” can of course vary, but the at-risk-of-poverty threshold (60% of the median income) in Austria can be used as a general guide. This depends on the size of the household. Further information on the at-risk-of-poverty threshold can be found on the websites of the Poverty Conference and Statistics Austria. By opting for the social tariff, as a member I also declare that I am prepared to provide proof of my low income on an ad hoc basis (e.g. in the event of concrete suspicion of abuse).
Can organisations also become members?
Yes, organisations can also become members – but only as investing members.
Can I subscribe to further shares at a later date?
Yes, this is possible at any time.
How can I pay the cooperative share?
Payment by SEPA direct debit and bank transfer is currently possible. SEPA direct debit is one of the safest payment methods: you have the unconditional right to have the debited amount refunded to your account for 8 weeks. It is also possible to make a direct transfer if you do not wish to issue a SEPA order.
What are the financial risks and liabilities for members?
If the co-operative becomes insolvent, the members of the co-operative are liable with their co-operative shares and additionally with a further amount equal to their co-operative shares (this is the statutory “obligation to make additional contributions”). With a standard share of 180 euros, your risk is therefore a maximum of 360 euros. The risk of insolvency is minimised by the mandatory audit, which is carried out by external auditors from our auditing association Rückenwind.
Will I get my cooperative shares back when I leave?
Yes, if cooperative shares are cancelled, payment is made one year after the cancellation takes effect (blocking year). This may not exceed an amount of 15% of the maximum holding of the total nominal value of the cooperative shares at the end of the previous financial year. The payment of further cooperative shares is postponed to the next or subsequent years. The withdrawal date determines the sequence. If the share capital has been partially utilised at this time due to a balance sheet loss, payment shall only be made in proportion to the unutilised share capital still available. If the cooperative’s equity capital is negative at this point in time (§ 225 Para. 1 UGB), payment is only made when the cooperative’s equity capital is positive again.
Can I cancel my registration as a member of the cooperative?
Yes, you have the right to cancel your membership within 14 days without giving any reason. The deadline is 14 days from the date of delivery of the acceptance of the subscription by the cooperative’s board of directors.
What is the relationship between the association and the MILA cooperative?
MILA is a cooperative as of February 2023! It is the legal form for the development and operation of our MILA participatory supermarket. During the preparatory phase, we founded the non-profit MILA association in 2020, which will continue to do networking and educational work in the background. The MILA Mitmach Minimarkt branch association will operate the minimarket until further notice. More information about the structure
Are only cooperative members allowed to shop in the large participatory supermarket?
Yes, you must be a cooperative member and fulfil your participation shifts to be able to shop. However, as an active cooperative member, you have the right to nominate an additional person who can shop (but not work) – regardless of their relationship to you and whether they live in the same household or elsewhere; children of the active co-operative member under the age of 18 can shop – both their own children and all those who live in the same household.
Can I shop in the big supermarket as an association member?
No, you have to become a cooperative member. It’s best to switch immediately and become a co-operative member. If you want to support the development of MILA financially on an ongoing basis in addition to the co-operative share, we would be happy if you continue to pay the association membership fee, but this is not a must.
Can I also buy in bulk or resell goods?
Members may only buy for non-commercial (personal) use; reselling is prohibited and will result in expulsion from the cooperative. Buying without profit for other members, for example as a neighbourhood service, is excluded.
How and where can I have a say?
At MILA, shopping, collaboration and co-determination go hand in hand. As a member, you have a say in the product range: There is a little black book at the checkout in the minimarket where you can enter your wishes. As a member of the cooperative, you are invited to the general meeting and can have a say there. You are particularly welcome to participate in and help organise working groups during the supermarket’s construction phase. You can also take on shifts in the minimarket.
What does ‘participate/work‘ mean as a MILA member?
As soon as the large participatory supermarket opens, every cooperative member who also wants to shop must work for 3 hours every 4 weeks. The work involves everything that has to be done in the supermarket: stocking shelves, bringing goods into the warehouse, attaching price tags, working the cash register, tidying up and much more. The work is varied and should be fun: You work as a team and experience active cooperation.
Can I pay for my shift?
No – that would undermine the principles of the MILA concept. Everyone works the same amount, everyone contributes the same amount, everyone owns the same amount. Working hours can therefore neither be paid off nor transferred.
Are there exemptions for the participation shifts?
Exemptions from the shifts are possible in certain life circumstances such as age, illness, parenthood or caring for relatives. The shifts are flexible and take individual preferences and abilities into account.
How many members does MILA need?
We know from our role models La Louve in Paris and Park Slope in New York and from the calculations in our business plan that we need over 1,000 members for the opening to be able to offer a wide range of products at attractive prices.
What and where is the minimarket?
As a foretaste and to shorten the waiting time, we are running the mini market with a smaller range of goods. It’s already worth taking part! The minimarket is located at Vivenotgasse 29 in 1120 Vienna and is best reached via the side entrance at Krichbaumgasse 25. We are very close to the U6 Niederhofstrasse underground station.
Who is allowed to shop at minimarkt?
All cooperative members (and also association members) can already shop in the Minimarket. Everyone is welcome to experience our minimarket up close.
Do I have to work in the minimarket to be allowed to shop?
For our concept to work, we need enough members who also help out in the minimarket with a participatory shift. This enables favourable prices for everyone. All MILA members who want to can take part.
Which products can I buy in the minimarket?
We are building up the range bit by bit – we currently have over 800 items. Our aim is to offer a small, full range of groceries and everyday items. As organic, regional and seasonal as possible, with as little packaging as possible and at fair prices. We focus on transparent pricing and have a standard surcharge of 30 % on all products. Many products in the minimarket are regional and organic, but not necessarily all. A number of available products are not regional or organic, or are only available at prices that would exclude some of our members.